I have some dynamic file downloading code that works great on all platforms except when using an HTTPS URL on iOS.
I am using HttpWebRequest because these resources are being loaded in a background thread (and you can't use WWW from another thread.)
On all the other platforms I have tried, Windows/OSX/Android, using an HTTPS URL works fine. On iOS, I get an exception with "ConnectFailure" as the message...
The code used is below:
private void LoadRemoteImages( List in_aImageURLs )
//We only support JPG or PNG
foreach( string l_strTextureURL in in_aImageURLs )
//We only support JPG or PNG
string l_strExtension = Path.GetExtension( l_strTextureURL ).ToLower();
if( ( l_strExtension != ".jpg" ) && ( l_strExtension != ".png" ) )
Debug.LogError( "Unsupported or missing extension found in LoadRemoteImages, the extension was: " + l_strExtension );
Debug.Log( "Attempting to download: " + l_strTextureURL );
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create( l_strTextureURL );
request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Http.Get;
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
Check that the remote file was found. The ContentType
check is performed since a request for a non-existent
image file might be redirected to a 404-page, which would
yield the StatusCode "OK", even though the image was not
if( ( response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK || response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Moved || response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Redirect ) && response.ContentType.StartsWith( "image", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
string l_strLocalFilename = m_strApplicationDataPath + "/" + _Utility.HashStringToFilename( l_strTextureURL );
//Download it
using( Stream inputStream = response.GetResponseStream() )
using( Stream outputStream = File.OpenWrite( l_strLocalFilename ) )
byte[] buffer = new byte[ 16384 ];
int bytesRead;
bytesRead = inputStream.Read( buffer, 0, buffer.Length );
outputStream.Write( buffer, 0, bytesRead );
while( bytesRead != 0 );
Debug.Log( "Bad response from web server, file was not downloaded..." );
catch( WebException l_oException )
Debug.LogError( "WebException status -> " + l_oException.Status.ToString() );
if( l_oException.Response != null )
Debug.LogError( "WebException Response -> " + l_oException.Response.ToString() );
Debug.LogError( "WebException Response is NULL" );
Debug.LogError( "WebException -> " + l_oException.ToString() );
catch( Exception l_oException )
Debug.LogError( "Exception caught try to download remote image: " + l_strTextureURL + " the exception was -> " + l_oException.Message);
m_bLoaderThreadStillWorking = false;
Has anyone successfully used HttpWebRequest over HTTPS on iOS?
Cheers :)